Family FreeRide
and the Fair Oaks Bike Park
Family FreeRide has been leading an effort to improve, expand and maintain the Fair Oaks Bike Park since 2019. In April 2020 they received Board approval to spend $30,000 of Measure J funding to build a dirt pump track, and have since raised approximately $25,000 from public donations and sponsorships to cover maintenance costs and add improvements like the beginner jump line and obstacle course.

In May 2021, Family FreeRide presented a proposal to the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District Board to expand the Fair Oaks Bike Park into an adjacent empty dirt lot, adding a large asphalt pump track, jump lines, and a perimeter bike skills trail. At the time, a decision could not be made until Softball Fields that were originally intended for that space could be relocated to another site. Now the time has come to revisit Family FreeRide’s proposal and make a decision on what to do with approximately 3-4 acres of vacant space in the middle of Phoenix Park.
Bike Park

Highlights from the proposed expansion include :
A mirror image Asphalt Pump track that can be used to hold competitions like the Redbull World Pump Track Championship.
ADA and Adaptive Mountain Bike trail and pump track
multi use options for skateboards and scooters on the asphalt pump track
Skills trail for Cyclocross and Junior Mountain Bike races
Bike Jumps for all ability levels
Event pavilion
Additional Parking

The Fair Oaks Bike Park has become a regional destination for all ages, ability levels, and types of bike riders that is utilized year round and on busy days can see over 150 visitors.The proposed expansion would add to the capabilities of the bike park, furthering more skill development and provide additional opportunities for the community to come together. It would create a ‘practice field’ that would enable a K-8 youth mountain bike program that does not exist anywhere in the region.
If the Park Districts approves the bike park expansion proposal, it enables Family FreeRide to start fundraising and writing grants to help pay for the project.
If you support the Fair Oaks Bike Park Expansion please click the link to sign this letter of support. You may also click the other link to take our survey and provide feedback on what you would like to see at Phoenix Park.